Connect. Belong. Thrive.


Community Benefit Schemes

The purpose of our Community Benefit Schemes is to strengthen relationships with our Members and the Aboriginal community by funding and running events  (including the Christmas Party) that engage GLALC’s Members. 

This comes directly from GLALC’s Community Land and Business Plan (CLBP) with one of the 5 key priority areas being  “Engaging with our Members”. Within this key priority area, Strategy 1 involves providing regular opportunities for engagement and consultation with our Members and community, to strengthen relationships and understand our community’s needs. 

The provision and management of a sustainable community benefits scheme is also a key priority area under the GLALC’s CLBP. The GLALC has sufficient funds to cover the CBS. The GLALC Operating Account has a COVID-19 Outreach fund of $10,000 dollars and will be able to cover the Care Package expenses.

The GLALC Board has approved this CBS and considers it is consistent with the Community, Land and Business Plan. The GLALC considers that NSWALC should approve 1. The proposed CBS complies with both the CBS given that: Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 Aboriginal Land Rights Regulations 2014 2. (NSW); To  GLALC’s knowledge, the proposed CBS are (NSW) and the consistent with any applicable policy of NSWALC; 3.4. The proposed CBS is the proposed CBS consistent with the CLBP of GLALC; are fair and equitable and will be administered in a way that is responsible and transparent.

GLALC is managing the Raine & Horne Scholarship fund which offers six scholarships per year for 10 years to GLALC Members and dependents.

The complete administration of these scholarships, including promotion, selection and monitoring is being conducted by the GLALC Scholarship Advisory Committee. Starting in 2022, the six annual scholarships are for:

  • Two students entering Year 7 for up to $3,000 each
  • Two students entering Year 10 for up to $3,250 each
  • Two students in Tertiary Education for up to $3,750 each.

Scholarship recipients will be actively involved in their local Aboriginal community, determined to be a good role model, have a genuine desire to further their education and be motivated to be a good citizen. 

Download Application Form 2024

For more information, please click here

Being connected to, and feeling part of, your community is essential to all of us preserving and strengthening our emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.

At Gandangara, we know that when the people of our communities do connect with each other, and develop a real feeling of belonging, they always thrive. They begin enjoying real improved mental and physical health outcomes.

During the COVID-19 lockdown of 2020 Gandangara successfully delivered hundreds of care packages to our Members, bringing much needed relief and emotional support to them.

We have continued this fantastic work through the 2021 COVID-19 Lockdown, and successfully delivered over 1300 care packages to our Members and community who were vulnerable or experiencing particular hardship from the social isolation.

This care packages distribution will continue until the end of 2021.

If you are one of our Members and have not supplied your updated contact details to us (mobile/email) please reach out to us via the Contact Us form, or call/email Ann Kenny at Gandangara Transport Services (9608 0968) and email to ensure you don't miss out on future services.

If you’re a Member or community experiencing a decline in wellbeing due to the lockdown restrictions, please reach out to us by supplying your phone number or other contact , as we have a range of social and emotional wellbeing programs that we can offer you in this time of need.

To those Members we have already called, thank you for your patience as we are dealing with the stock shortages and other minor delays.

Stay safe everyone, and know that we are here for you.