Connect. Belong. Thrive.


Community, Land & Business Plan

This plan governs our actions over four-year periods with the current one ending 2024.  It specifies our goals and the approaches to be adopted to reach them.

The plan is a legislative requirement for all Local Aboriginal Land Councils. Our plan is a vibrant and ambitious document that sets out how we will achieve our goals for the period, and includes many photos of our Members, Board and staff along with some artwork. It starts with an Acknowledgement to Country followed by a list of the relevant Legislative Frameworks impacting our operation. The Historical Context explains the difficulties in learning about Traditional Owners from the available sources and the why we use the name ‘Gandangara’. Our Chairperson, Anthony Scholes, and CEO, Melissa Williams give inspiring messages about our past achievements and the way forward before a brief explanation of the plan is provided. Next is a detailed analysis of our structure, geographical boundaries and membership which is followed by a review of Close the Gap targets and details of how we are working for their attainment. An extensive SWOT analysis reviews our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats then methodology of the plan and its approval process is revealed. The plan steps through our purpose, our vision and our mission to ‘Connect. Belong. Thrive.’ Each objective and strategy is detailed and assigned to one of five Key Result Areas. The plan consultation sessions are listed and supported by photos before our principles and values are described, the governance charter copied and the codes of conduct for Members, Board and staff included. The plan finishes with a reminder of the importance of preserving culture and heritage. This comprehensive document is a powerful statement of our intentions and the procedures which will map our way forward.

Community, Land and Business Plan 2020-2024



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Engaging with Our Members & Community



Create meaningful connections with the Members of Our Land Council, based on mutual respect & understanding, through:


  1. Celebrating significant events for Aboriginal and
    Torres Strait Islander peoples in each calendar year
  2. Exploring opportunities for Our Members to demonstrate their talents
  3. Providing regular opportunities for engagement and connection with Our Members & the wider community to foster a sense of belonging with a focus on our youth & Elders
  4. Attracting new Members to the Land Council through personalised services & engagement



Build a closer, healthier & stronger community through a range of services, communications, information & resources by:


  1. Developing regular & transparent communications for Our Members, through a variety of media platforms, to foster a sense of inclusion & participation in our Land Council
  2. Establishing targeted programs to provide healing, social connection & meaningful opportunities for our vulnerable groups in Our Membership, e.g. our Elders, families & youth 



Provide a culturally safe place for Our Members to come together & gather by:


  1. Working towards the establishment of a Keeping Place & Cultural Education Centre to celebrate our history & culture for our community
  2. Providing Cultural Education, resources & training facilities, for the
    benefit of Members & community 


The acquisition, management and development of land and other assets



The strategic acquisition of land & other assets by:


  1. Developing a Land Claims Strategy which prioritises strategic
    opportunities & negotiation possibilities to advance the best interests of Our Members & the Aboriginal community
  2. Developing a Land Claims & Management Plan to map, analyse & advocate for claimable lands
  3. Negotiating binding land dealings and/or determinations of land claims that are equitable & beneficial to Aboriginal people within the Councils area



The strategic management of land & other assets by:


  1. Developing a Land Management Plan to monitor, assess & evaluate our landholdings for their most appropriate use & development for the benefit of Our Members
  2. Implementing bushland regeneration & caring for country on our lands
  3. Implementing a Clean-Up Strategy & viable Access Management Plan for our lands affected by illegal dumping
  4. Developing a strategy for maintaining our claims portfolio with a focus on managing the status of our claims, whether undetermined, granted, or refused
  5. Developing a management plan of our Aboriginal cultural sites on Country



The strategic development of land & other assets through:


  1. Assessing the viability of building a multi-purpose venue(s) for Our
    Members & our Elders in the community for social, cultural support, health & wellbeing services
  2. Integrating our services to operate as satellite sites to our hub & to integrate our cultural sites within our cultural tourism framework
  3. Considering options for the development of our lands to provide in come, services & opportunities for the community



The strategic acquisition, management & development of other assets through:


  1. Caring & maintaining our assets including our residential properties
  2. Managing & growing our investment portfolio to support the future needs of Our Members, for example, educational & sporting scholarships & funeral funds  

The provision and management of Community Benefits Schemes (CBS)



Develop sustainable, quality & innovative Community Benefit Schemes through a model of care that supports:


  1. Exploring the viability of delivering educational scholarships as a
    Community Benefit Scheme, in connection with developing an
    Aboriginal Employment Strategy 
  2. Providing holistic health & wellbeing service responses to
    pandemics through Community Benefit Schemes
  3. Continuing to foster & implement community events & end of year gatherings for youth & community 
  4. Exploring avenues for the implementation of future funds, funeral funds, scholarship funds, other trusts & so on for the benefit of Our Members



Ensure the sustainability & viability of our Residential Housing scheme through:


  1. Implementing funding & other opportunities to increase &
    improve our housing stock to better meet community need
  2. Exploring alternative & viable business models in housing & service support for Our Members 



Deliver quality & accessible  transport services for our community:


  1. Exploration of viable business solutions to expand transport services



Deliver quality & accessible health services for our community: 


  1. Exploration of viable business solutions to expand health & wellbeing services


Business enterprises and investments



Develop & embed authoritative cultural protocols for partnership engagement & strategic stakeholder management to advance Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council’s business enterprises within our jurisdiction, with a focus on local government, industry & new infrastructure projects by:


  1. Develop an effective & mutually beneficial governance framework for partnership protocols, & implement this through public awareness & consultancy services to key stakeholders
  2. Exploring enterprise opportunities for involvement in the emerging cultural tourism industry in South Western Sydney with a focus on programs that preserve & promote our Aboriginal culture & heritage
  3. Undertaking stakeholder mapping & analysis to establish culturally appropriate suppliers & to work with partners that abide by these principles



The provision of opportunities for the education & employment of our Aboriginal community, via partnerships or through the establishment of a Registered Training Organisation by: 


  1. Developing educational programs especially for young people
  2. Exploring employment & training opportunities for our community across a range of programs such as traineeships & cadetships  
  3. Fostering opportunities for the culturally-safe
    mentoring of Aboriginal people through the
    education & employment lifecycle 
  4. Fostering opportunities for the culturally-safe
    Developing & implementing an Aboriginal
    Employment Strategy



Maintain the sustainability & cultural appropriateness of Gandangara Health Services (GHS) to deliver lead practice, & encourage people to feel a sense of belonging, by:


  1. Fostering opportunities for the culturally-safe
  2. Developing & enhancing enterprises focusing on programs for the holistic health, social & emotional wellbeing of Members, & the brokerage of cultural-competency training to the wider public
  3. Ensuring strong collaborations & partnerships are continually developed for seamless referral pathways to other health & wellbeing services 
  4. Developing health, wellbeing & targeted social
    support for our community



Enhance the efficiency, excellence & reach of Gandangara Transport Services (GTS) by:


  1. Integrating GTS into the value proposition of Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council’s existing services (including health & wellbeing) to Members & the broader community 
  2. Maintaining our existing accreditations & explore avenues of applying for new accreditation to respond to client growth & demand for GTS & Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council 
  3. Exploring viable business options for GTS to become self-sufficient & thus responsive to community transport needs
  4. Exploring ethically commercial opportunities for GTS to participate in the tourism markets, e.g. cultural & environmental tourism



Ensure the sustainability & self-sufficiency of our operations & services through:


  1. Continually monitoring the investment portfolios
  2. Developing a long-term financial plan 
  3. Exploring optimal & sustainable models of funding & business expansion opportunities for Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council & its Entities 

Aboriginal culture & heritage



Celebrate & promote our unique Aboriginal Culture & Heritage by:


  1. Establishing protocols for Aboriginal cultural & intellectual property for internal & external stakeholders 
  2. Engaging our local artists in programs, projects & displaying cultural arts in our jurisdiction 
  3. Celebrating significant cultural events throughout the year 
  4. Celebrating our history & culture through the exploration of opportunities to implement dual signage in Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council’s area
  5. Planning & implementing a Keeping Place & Cultural Education Centre to preserve & celebrate culturally significant heritage artefacts & objects
    Developing promotional & educational resources with our cultural protocols, history, spiritual and Traditional Knowledge for the benefit of Our Members & community, with a focus on our youth 



Protect & preserve Aboriginal culture & heritage for the present and future generations by:


  1. Developing a plan for artefact repatriation for cultural heritage objects to be stored in our Keeping Place & Cultural Education Centre; performing a monitoring and advocacy role to protect cultural sites of significance 
  2. Establishing mutually beneficial & legally binding partnerships with local, state & federal government agencies to protect, promote & preserve our land & cultural heritage 
  3. Implementing strategies for the protection of our cultural heritage sites and other Aboriginal sites of significance in our jurisdiction as the foremost cultural authority in the region
  4. Protecting & preserving the traditional knowledge & wisdom of our Elders & exploring opportunities for Our Members to learn about culture on country
  5. Cultural mapping of our lands and all lands within the Land Council’s area & development of a site register



Build the cultural education capacity of Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council  to offer opportunities for Our Members & the wider public


  1. Explore & develop opportunities for education, training, research, employment & public awareness promoting Aboriginal culture  
  2. Building relationships & networks in the wider community including local schools  
  3. Developing services for the provision of cultural capability, cultural safety training & resources, including research on family histories
  4. Growing the Culture, Heritage & Land Management business unit within Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council that includes expanded services in traditional environmental knowledge