Connect. Belong. Thrive.


Gandangara Transport Services

At Gangangara Transport Services we provide transport for eligible and vulnerable people in our community, who are either living a long way from available public transport or prefer to use our service.

We understand that getting out of the house and engaging with your community is important to your social and emotional wellbeing, which is why we organise a monthly calendar of social events and outings that you are welcome to join. You don’t have to stress about how to get there, we’ll do it all for you. That’s why more and more people have been coming to our depot to play bingo, have a yarn up and enjoy a healthy lunch. They are also joining us for our trips to the Jenolan Caves, to see the Christmas lights and coming to our Christmas parties in July and December. 

You should not have to miss out on outings, activities and appointments because of difficulty getting there.

Gandangara Transport Services is here to help!

You can contact us at anytime, or on (02) 9608 0968 from Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 5pm

Principal activity

The Company’s short-term objective is to:

  • Provide accessible transport services to eligible frail, aged and people with disabilities and their carers who cannot access other forms of transport
  • Provide Elders and community with social outings and opportunity in South Western Sydney
  • Renew funding from TfNSW annually
  • Maintain mission as a culturally competent transport service for the community of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients.
  • Long term objectives
  • The Company’s long-term objectives are to:
  • Evolve the companies business model toward sustainability and self sufficiency
  • Working collaboratively with partners to access social and emotional programs well being for Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Clientele.
Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council (GLALC) acknowledges the Cabrogal People of the Darug Nation as the Traditional Custodians of the land we span. We pay our respects to the Elders, Past, Present, and Emerging and to all First Peoples within our community. Code of Conduct: You are welcome to link to articles on this site. Although you must not link to this site from a site or in a manner which disparages our reputation or that of bodies related to us. The GLALC Members Code of Conduct applies to all GLALC members when using this website.